DE LA TIERRA Feat. SEPULTURA's ANDREAS KISSER: Third Album Recording Sessions Underway

December 19, 2021

Latin American metal supergroup DE LA TIERRA has entered Criteria Recording Studios in Miami, Florida to record its third album for a tentative early 2022 release. Photos and video footage from the recording sessions can be found below.

DE LA TIERRA features Brazilian guitarist Andreas Kisser (SEPULTURA),Argentine singer/guitarist Andres Gimenez (A.N.I.M.A.L.),Cuban/Mexican drummer Alex Gonzalez (MANÁ) and Puerto Rican bassist Harold Hopkins (PUYA).

DE LA TIERRA's last release was a standalone song called "Distintos" which came out in October 2020. At the time, Gonzalez described the track to "In The Trenches With Ryan Roxie" as an "amazing song that, I think, fits perfectly with the times and what's going on right now."

Gonzalez also talked about the addition of Hopkins to DE LA TIERRA. Hopkins replaced Argentine bassist Sr. Flavio (LOS FABULOSOS CADILLACS),who left the band in 2017.

"Harold, he's an amazing, amazing bass player, and he's from a very, very awesome band from Puerto Rico called PUYA," Alex said. "And the great thing about PUYA is that they do a fusion of metal but with salsa and with music from the island. And it's awesome. And they sing in Spanish and they sing in English. So, talk about coming full circle — you [also] have [members from] Brazil, Argentina and Mexico."

Alex added: "The new album, because Harold is also bringing a lot of also Latin influence, Caribbean influence… It's so heavy but at the same time… You'll see."

DE LA TIERRA's second studio album, "II", came out in November 2016 via Sony Music Latin. It followed the band's 2014 self-titled debut which received rave reviews and support from critics and fans.

DE LA TIERRA found massive success following the release of its first LP. The record allowed the band to tour and share the stage with bands like METALLICA and SLIPKNOT and perform at festivals such as Rock In Rio, Santiago Gets Louder and Vive Latino as well as gain a strong following of fans throughout North and South America.

For their follow-up record, DE LA TIERRA worked with renowned producer Ross Robinson (SLIPKNOT, KORN, DEFTONES, THE CURE, SEPULTURA) who helped the band craft a furious set of songs.

"II" was recorded in Los Angeles, where DE LA TIERRA laid down the music live to analog tape machines. Each of the band's members has a unique, individual style that Robinson helped blend and balance with their influential roots for a rich music experience that transcends language barriers.

Día 2 de trabajo, @delatierraofficial
@haroldhopkinsmiranda888 @gimenezandres @andreaskisser @alexgonzalezelanimal @criteria_recording_studios @stanleysound @sonymusiclatin

Posted by De La Tierra on Friday, December 3, 2021

Dia 5 @delatierraofficial @alexgonzalezelanimal @haroldhopkinsmiranda888 @gimenezandres @andreaskisser @criteria_recording_studios @sonymusiclatin @stanleysound vídeo ? @mikefasano

Posted by De La Tierra on Monday, December 6, 2021

Día 6 @delatierraofficial @alexgonzalezelanimal @gimenezandres @andreaskisser @haroldhopkinsmiranda888 @stanleysound @mikefasano @sonymusiclatin @criteria_recording_studios #musica #union #pasión #latinos

Posted by De La Tierra on Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Día 12 final de las guitarras de base trabajo y sonido demoledor @andreaskisser @gimenezandres @stanleysound @...

Posted by De La Tierra on Monday, December 13, 2021

Dia 13 grabacion de bajos @stanleysound y el poder de Harold @haroldhopkinsmiranda888 @delatierraofficial @andreaskisser...

Posted by De La Tierra on Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Dia 16 comenzamos las voces de Andreas @stanleysound @andreaskisser @gimenezandres @alexgonzalezelanimal @...

Posted by De La Tierra on Friday, December 17, 2021

Día 17 Andres comenzó las voces @stanleysound @gimenezandres @delatierraofficial @andreaskisser @alexgonzalezelanimal @haroldhopkinsmiranda888 @sonymusiclatin

Posted by De La Tierra on Saturday, December 18, 2021

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